If you are, or know someone who's homeless and has children, we want to
help you escape the shelters and build your life again.
the last 18-months we've developed a system to give homeless people
and their children a home of their own so they can get a new
start. We opened a Crowd-funding project to create the seed funds, but in
almost six weeks it raised less than $1500.
That made it pretty
clear that the people who
have homes couldn't care less about those
who don't, so we now want to talk to those who truly understand the pain of being homeless and want it to stop as much as we do.
The plan is simple: We're going to buy foreclosed homes from the banks, clean them up, then donate them to Homeless Shelters all over the country so their clients with children can move in and restart their lives.
And you won't get stuck with a mortgage; If you're chosen by your Shelter, you own the house. You can then make it your home.
People tell us this is the most ridiculous, expensive and crazy idea any Non-Profit
ever had. We say it will give thousands of people their lives back, and help those who are this nation's very future get the well-rounded education they deserve. And that's not so dumb.
We've faced endless greed and indifference from everyone else who could help, but if
you like the idea, leave a comment and share this page with friends. Then
follow us on Twitter and watch our dust; Together we can
make this happen and prove it's time homeless folks got a
decent break. And some respect...
Appleseed Humanity.
Giving Homeless Children a Chance.